Pretty by
      Mag & Nat
Give Your eyes celebrity-like lashes...sexier, longer, thicker and natural looking synthetic eyelashes that are comfortable to wear. If you care for them properly they can last you up to 6-8 weeks and a touch-up is needed every 2-3 weeks . We choose the length, curl type and thickness together with the client. You can achieve natural or dramatic look. In full set we will use 30 to 50 synthetic lashes to make your eyes look glamorous. The treatment takes about 3h.

Bring Your friend for a full set of lashes and get 15% off on Your next full set !!!

Full set      £50
Touch-up   £20-£25
this treatment will take about 3h

Your friends will say:
"I've never noticed that your natural eyelashes were so long, thick and curled"
Please read the F A Q

Q: Why do i need to come for fills?
A: Your natural eyelash growth cycle is between 30 and 90 days. All of your eyelashes do not fall out at the same time, they replenish gradually day by day. You may loose 2 or 3 lashes per day and when your lashes are short you don't notice it, but with an extension there is a length difference.
Q: What do I do before I come in for an eyelash extension appointment?
A: You should clean your lashes with a mild, oil free cleanser. Do not use mascara or perm the lashes.
Q: Is the extension glued to my skin?
A: No, the extensions are glued about 1mm from the base of the eyelash and the extension and glue must never come into contact with the skin.
Q: Are the eyelash glues recommended for sensitive skin?
A: This should not be a problem as the eyelash extension and glue do not come in contact with skin. The extension is applied directly to the natural eyelash.
Q: Are the glues and removers safe?
A: Eyelash extensions are not regulated by the Medical Authorities because eyelash extensions are applied to the natural eyelash hairs and do not touch the skin. Improper application by an unqualified technician can cause damage to the eyes and eyelids.
Q: I sleep on my stomach. Will this affect my lashes?
A: If you sleep on your stomach or sleep with a pillow or blanket over your head, the longevity of your lashes will be diminished. If you sleep on your side you will notice that the side that you sleep on will loose lashes a bit more than the other side.
Q: How do I maintain my lashes?
A: Do not wet them for the first 24h. You need to brush your lashes at least twice a day with the bruch we'll supply. Touch ups on a 2 or 3 week basis are required to replace lost lashes. After several touch ups, we may suggest a new set to keep the lashes looking fresh and new.
Q: Are lash extensions water proof?
A: Eyelashes are water resistant, you can swim and shower without loosing the Luscious Lashes look.
Q: Would there be any after care or home care nessacary for permanent eyelash extensions?
A: Our extensions are hard wearing but you should not use oil based mascara or oil based cleansers as the oil breaks down the bomd.
Q: Must I use mascara?
A: Most people are able to achieve just the look they want without needing mascara. If you do use it, make sure it's water-based and not waterproof.
Q: How do I look after my Eyelash Extensions?
A: Try not to rub or scratch your eyes and use makeup removers and cleansers containing oil free, as oils can loosen the adhesive which bonds the extension to your natural eyelash.

The Differences Between Eyelash Extensions and False Eyelashes

     Many people think that there is no difference between an eyelash extension and false eyelashes. They think that the two achieve similar results and look similar. While the function of the two is the same the results vary and the manner in which the goal is accomplished is different. Most false eyelashes come in strip form. The strip contains a sticky adhesive that you apply to your upper eyelid. All of the lashes are arrayed on this strip and then attached to the lid. 
    An eyelash extension, in contrast, comes individually. Each extension is made to look identical to a natural lash, and each is placed on top of the natural lash it is meant to extend. A special bonding solution is used to hold the extension in place. It should not touch the skin of the eyelid. Because each lash extension is precisely placed, it requires a professional to apply extensions, and it is not a procedure you can do yourself.
    Unlike false lashes, eyelash extensions do not feel heavy on your eyelid. False lashes can weary the lid and feel heavy. They can also damage the natural lashes and cause them to fall out prematurely. Because an eyelash extension is an exact replica of an eyelash, it weighs about as much as a natural lash: practically nothing. You will not notice the addition of the extensions to your lashes, and they will not cause your natural lashes to fall out ahead of their natural cycle.
    There are many activities that you cannot do while wearing false eyelashes: swimming, heavy workouts, sometimes even sleeping. With lash extensions, however, it is possible to do any activity that you would normally do. The special adhesive creates a waterproof and sleep proof bond that will not break no matter the level of your physical activity.
    Finally, false lashes tend to look, well,...false. They are often glaringly fake and stiff, proclaiming to all that you are wearing false eyelashes. Eyelash extensions, on the other hand, look remarkably natural. They are flexible yet crimp-resistant and they can be supple and bouncy. This means that they move with your natural lashes.
    After seeing and feeling the differences between false eyelashes and eyelash extensions, you will know that choosing the eyelash extension will help you more effectively and naturally enhance your eyes and their natural beauty.

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